
Secondary Years

Years 7 to 12 are a time of transition for our students – from childhood to adolescence to young adults. It is a time of significant personal growth and reflection where students often challenge their own system of beliefs and ideals and set their direction for life. We recognise that students at this age have social, intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual needs and aspirations that are both unique to them and different from students in the Primary years.

Based on NESA syllabuses, we provide a stimulating differentiated curriculum to meet the full range of needs and abilities of students in each Stage of learning.

Stage 4

Students of this age are happiest and learn best when provided with learning experiences that are practical, relevant, and enriching.

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Stage 5

Students in Stage 5 are afforded greater choice in their learning paths with elective subjects available to them.

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Stage 6

In the Senior years we aim to prepare students for their life beyond school.

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Learning at Norwest

Our well-qualified and highly professional teaching team are highly specialised in their subjects of expertise and well-practiced at eliciting the best possible academic performance from each student. They work closely with each student to understand and connect with them as people and meet their learning needs. They then provide consistent high quality feedback that helps students to review their learning and refine their academic practices.

Our Building Purposeful Lives teaching and learning framework includes learning dispositions for students to develop that will serve them well at the College and throughout their lives, enabling them to be lifelong learners. Students are supported to make progress in these learning habits so that they focus on the process of learning. We learn in community so that students can work effectively with others towards common goals, seek to understand what others are saying and act responsibly with initiative and persevere in the face of difficulties. Students are not simply ‘passengers’ in the learning process but develop learning dispositions so that they become ‘pilots’ of their own learning.

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Pastoral Care

Our students receive genuine support from teachers, mentors, and even their peers. The College provides a positive, stimulating, safe, and respectful environment in which Secondary students can develop, learn, and lead so that they emerge as confident, responsible, respectful, resilient, purpose-driven young people ready to be productive local and global citizens and leaders in the community.

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Learning Enrichment

Support is provided in many ways depending on the needs of individual students. Students requiring significant modifications are supported through ‘Individual Plans’ which are developed in consultation with families. Students are also supported with appropriate extension opportunities provided across a range of subjects to prepare students for specialty and extension courses in the senior years. 

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Our Secondary Years Physical Education program develops strength, coordination, fitness, and a love of movement, and our representative sporting program gives students the opportunity to compete in a wide variety of sports.

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Performing Arts

The Arts play an important part in the life of the College and the development of the whole person. The College provides many opportunities for secondary students wishing to excel and develop their passion in this area.

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Co-Curricular activities give each child the opportunity to discover how God has made them and to find purpose in using those skills. Importantly, engagement with co-curricular activity fosters a sense of connectedness and belonging which play an important role in student wellbeing.

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Student Leadership

The College’s Student Leadership Program provides a pathway for developing leaders to grow and use their gifts for the benefit of the College community. The program provides support, training and education in leadership skills, capacity and gifts, providing opportunities for students to lead and to serve in an area of their choosing and passion.

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Norwest Challenge

The Norwest Challenge seeks to raise individual esteem and motivation through participation and recognition and, encourages students to become fully involved in College and community life.

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Today's students are digital natives and thus are typically very savvy with technology. At the College we teach students to benefit from meaningful engagement with the world through technology.

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Christian Growth & Development

The College seeks to present opportunities for each student to develop a personal Christian faith. In the context of learning about the universe and the intricate balances present in every day.

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